Day Two – Madrid, Spain

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe second day on tour started out with a bang. At breakfast I opened my yoghurt and under the lid was a message that made me believe i had won free yoghurt for a year. I did not it was an invitation to entertain I win free yoghurt.
After that we went for a bus tour of Madrid. We bused though the down town core and learned the layout of the city. Next we went to a museum called museo del parado. We saw the most famous, religious and royal paintings by Spanish painters. Random note – there is a copy of the Mona Lisa at the museum.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANext there was a trip to the valley of the fallen which is an underground church. It’s actually bigger then the Vatican – but they don’t count the lobby of the church as part of the church so it’s smaller. I thought it was an underground church full of catacombs the public can walk through. It is not. But it was pretty – just not what I was expecting.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOn return to Madrid we broke into groups to wander the city. We saw the outside of the royal palace. Tried curros, saw the downtown shopping sector and ordered dinner at our first Spanish restaurant. The owner did not speak much English. We ended up getting Spanish chicken and tacos with guacamole. So good.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter dinner we returned to the hotel to get ready for going out in Madrid. We went to a night club at 10 and a salsa club at 12. I danced so much I broke my heels. I went home at 2 am.



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